Monday, June 15, 2009

Schooling in Melbourne

Lim Tao started his first day at kinder (owned by Uniting Church) yesterday. He is the only Chinese in his class. The kinder here is very much different from Malaysia, mainly playing. The classroom is settled up by different playing stations/corners, more than 10 corners (art and craft, puzzle, drawing, music, computer, reading, clay, block etc)and of course some outdoor activities. The kids here are well-behaved and respect each other, no shouting, screaming , fighting among the kids. They obey the instructions set by the teacher. Surprisingly, the teacher is a very soft-spoken lady and you cannot imagine she can control and manage the class without shouting at all. No homework, of course. The maximum hours for kids in kinder is 10 hours a week, either 2 days a week or 3 days a week.

Lim Yue enjoys her school very much, no homework and no book bring back from school. Today is school market day. Each pupil need to bring something to sell at school. The objective is to learn how to count cost, loss and profit.

I know that they will enjoy very much with the education here. However, I do worry when come the day they have to go back to Malaysia....So, I am a home tutor now to guide them with the Malaysian syllabus, especially Bahasa, hopefully they would not suffer so much later...


TALK said...

Enjoy your time there. The kids will remember the days for a long time to come in their lives. So will you.

Unknown said...

Wow, I can imagine an incredible coming 4 years you are going to have. Treasure every moment you have there.
BTW, I saw your note on this new friend you met, Augustine, who works in Vision Australia...... May need your help to link me up with him. I am doing a research in Brickfield, KL among the blind there this sem too.