Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mission Impossible

Tuesday (11.01.2012) is tough that there were more than 100 patients seen. The place was called Pangkasey (please don't read in hokkien), a village in Takeo, 2 hours drive east-south from Phnom Penh. With grace and team work, this mission was accomplished. The program always started with 30 minutes gospel sharing, translated to Khmer (Cambodian language). The hearts are open and the minds are receptive. Many villagers raised their hands indicating that they wanted to accept Jesus Christ as their saviour. One baptized on the same day.

The mission impossible was on Wednesday (12 Jan 2012). About an hour after we started our clinic, the registration team member informed us that there were a total of 114 patients waited to be seen in the morning. We had to visit another church in the afternoon with another group of people. What it means is that we had to see 30-40 patients per hour. It is impossible in men but all things are possible in God. The mission accomplished finally and unexpectedly.

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